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Archive "B" of Hunter Classics Cues.

from left to right:

1)  Purpleheart w/ Ivory inlays
2)  Ebony w/ Ivory inlays
3)  Olivewood w/ Ebony windows and mastodon ivory and elephant ivory inlays
4)  Ebony w/ Comatia bands w/ turquoise, Ivory and Pink Ivory inlays
5)  Jump/Break to match--Ebony w/ Comatia bands w/ Pink Ivory and ivory inlays

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from left to right:

1) Birdseye forearm with 5 comatia points.  Ivory spear heads in the points with coral diamonds between the points.  Comatia butt with birdseye bands and 5 ivory double spears.

2) Titlist conversion with spear points at the bottom of the points.  Figured purple heart butt with four ivory inlays with ivory band on the butt.

3) Birdseye forearm with 3 long ebony points, three short burl points and black palm diamonds above the short points.  Birdseye butt with a burl band.  Three ebony windows with burl diamonds over them.  Six black palm spear heads

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from left to right:

1) Tulip forearm. Tulip butt with ebony band. 5 ivory diamonds in band.

2) Birdseye with 3 long paduak points and 3 short purple heart points. Birdseye butt with offset diamonds of paduak and pruple heart.


3) Ebony with 5 bloodwood points. Ebony butt with 5 bloodwood points. Bone spears in all ten points.

4) Bloodwood cue with 5 ebony points. Bloowodd butt with 5 ebondy points. Bone spears in all ten points.

5) Brazilian rosewood with lacewood points. Brazilian rosewood butt with lacewood windows.

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from left to right:

1) Figured purple heart with 6 tulip wood points. Figured purple heart butt with tulip band.

2) Tiger maple with 6 kingswood points. Tiger butt with kingwood and tiger inlays.

3) Titlist conversion with ivory spearheads and 4 point starts in the top. Ebony butt with ivory windows and 4 point stars.

4) Bloodwood with 5 tiger points. Tiger and blood dots between points. Blood butt with tiger diamonds and dots.

5) Bocote with 5 ebony points. Ivory starts in bottom of points. Ebony butt with 5 ivory.

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from left to right:

1) Cocobolo with birdseye grip. Cocobolo butt. Cocobolo triangles in grip.

2) Cocobolo cue.

3) Tulipwood cue.

click on the image for a closeup
from left to right:

1) Tiger maple with 5 tulipwood points. Tulip butt with tiger band. 5 windows in butt. 5 diamonds between points

2) Birdseye forearm with 5 comatia points.  Ivory spear heads in the points with coral diamonds between the points.  Comatia butt with birdseye bands and 5 ivory double spears.

3) Titlist conversion with spear points at the bottom of the points.  Figured purple heart butt with four ivory inlays with ivory band on the butt.

4) Birdseye forearm with 3 long ebony points, three short burl points and black palm diamonds above the short points.  Birdseye butt with a burl band.  Three ebony windows with burl diamonds over them.  Six black palm spear heads.


5) Ebony with tulip wood points. Ebony butt wirh 5 tulip points. Ivory diamonds between points on butt. 

6) Tulip with ebony points. Tulip butt with ebony points. Ivory diamonds between points.

click on the image for a closeup
from left to right:

1) Tiger maple forearm. Tiger butt with comatia triples.

2) Brazilian rosewood with malachite spearheads. Brazilian rosewood butt with malachite spearhead.

3) Bocote forerm and butt. Break jump cue

4) East Indian rosewood forearm. East Indian rose butt with tulipwood band

5) Bloodwood forearm. Bloodwood butt with ebony band.

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